Wind Turbine for Charging your Phone

Brian Hicks

Written By Brian Hicks

Posted April 15, 2014

Trinity portable wind turbine USB charging

A new portable wind turbine exclusively for charging USB devices has appeared on Kickstarter this week. The deviceis called Trinity, and it will include a 15W generator and battery that holds up to 15,000 mAh of battery power.

When not in use, it is designed to fold up into a 12” tube.

Small-scale wind turbines are an old concept, and there have been a number of different wind-powered phone chargers attempted in the last seven years. Notably, the Gotwind Orange wind charger was announced back in 2007, but never made it beyond prototyping. The problem is that turbines that are small enough to be portable are simply not capable of generating enough power to fully charge a phone.

Trinity will attempt to rectify this problem with a different design, where the blades are situated on a vertical pylon rather than on a central axis.

Thanks, Putin!

America loves competition, and the Cold War created fierce competition in many aspects of life. The space race became the highlight of the rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States. Even though the USA became the first country to put an astronaut on the moon, Russia won the long game with its success in orbiting space stations. It’s up to the free market to decide who wins the next phase.

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